Advantages and disadvantages of xenon and led headlights
The car’s headlights construction changed with the development of technology. Initially, kerosene headlights were used, then appeared acetylene lights, after electric headlights were introduced, more modern lights are halogen, xenon and led. The last three of mentioned will be compared.
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Turbocharged engine vs naturally aspirated engine
If you are interested in, what is better - turbocharged engine or naturally aspirated engine? The answer would be - both are good, which to choose depends on your purpose. To see it clear you need to understand the main differences between these types of the engines, which is presenting in the table below.
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Nuances of your car exploitation when the weather is cold
When the winter comes, drivers are faced with many problems of the car exploitation. More information about how to prepare your car for the cold weather, we have already written. Hence, some systems of your car deserve special attention.
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Car rent - common rules
If you are going to have a business trip or a journey for a long time to one particular place, you might have to rent a car. Car renting is a very popular service all over the world, you need to follow some simple rules in order to prevent any kind of troubles, during your trip.
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inCarDoc Diagnostic trouble codes
If you are faced with some problems in your car, which are associated with the engine and fuel system, they must be eliminated. To drive to the station every time is expensive and it takes time. But, fortunately, today you can determine, and then correct errors with the help of the mobile application
Criteria for the Selection of high-quality Auto Services Company
In fact, choosing Auto Services Company is a very long process based on trial and error. Today, a variety of service stations is impressive, and choose a team of professionals who will support and repair your car, at first thought, will not be difficult. On the contrary, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of factors that will affect the quality of services.
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How to prepare your car for the winter or the most spread problems which driver face in the winter
There is a strong difference between driving in the winter and in the summer, and that problems with the car are not so critical and don’t make driver’s life complicated, as the problems with it do in the winter. Anyway, you can avoid or reduce the negative impact of all adversities, which you might face during your driving in the low temperatures. Especially, this article will be for “new drivers”, as it presents a list of life-hacks and even the rules for the operation of the car in the winter.
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What are the faults of the generator and is it difficult to determine them?
The generator plays a huge role in the car functionality well, often its diagnostics is time-consuming, and to identify problems in its operation is not an easy task. The generator is inextricably linked to the battery, so the breaking of one disrupts the work of the other. Therefore, without diagnostics in the service center, there is no way
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Fraud on the roads, what drivers must beware
Scammers are resourceful people, and they always come up with a way to get hold of your money, while the more difficult it was to prepare «the bait», the more they want to make you pay through the nose. Scammers play on emotions, their main task is to make you lose control and attention.
Don’t be nervous it is the first rule. Naturally, if you were taken in by one of the scams which will be discussed below, you would worry, this is what scammers need because it's easier to pressure you and make you give your money to them. The second rule – politeness is not always a sign of good manners. There's no one nicer than someone who wants your money. What kind of "money grab" are we talking about?
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Typical problems with automatic transmission
Unfortunately, there are a great number of mistakes in the functionality of the automatic transmission. All of them, often, require repair or replacement of any part, that means, they can not just eliminate or “wait out”. In contrast, before you go to the service station repair, it is better to know the problem and the cause. First, this knowledge will help in finding a mechanic, and secondly, you will be more difficult to deceive about the cost of repairs.
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