Attention! "Bad" Bluetooth & WiFi adapters with low quality clones of ELM327.

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  • Last Post 02 March 2022
Administrator posted this 08 December 2014

Attention "bad" adapters!

We faced the problem, that some adapters (often the cheapest ones), can’t connect to the car's ECU.


The reason is using of "bad made" clones of ELM327 instead of original chipset and firmware from Elmelectronics. You could notice potentially problematic adapters by: very low price, by MAC address (one can see it while connecting and searching for the device, so the adapter’s name will be detected and its MAC address) .


If the MAC address of your adapter

  1. starts with the numbers 66:35:56: ...  or 88:35:56:...(for example, 66: 35: 56: 78: 90: AB)


  • or 00:00:00:00:00:01
  • or AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
  • or 00:00:00:11:11:11 (fresh example from 2018 garbage collection, marked as version 1.5)
  • or some other "strange looking" addresses

- be prepared that this adapter could fail to connect, support not all protocols, fail to read some data and what's more, they can cause problems with your car.


There are also some adapters that might be almost good while working with single ECU and short commands, but cold fail to get reliable results for cars with 2 and more ECUs and "long" commands like VIN or DTC readings. One of this could have followingg MACs:

00:1D:A5:68:98:8A or ​00:1D:A5:68:98:8C 

As well, there might be problems with other "no-name" Chinese adapters marked ELM327 v2.1.

Please follow the discussion below to get idea about the issues, ask questions and share your observations.


We ask to share with us the names, photos, links to these adapters to make a "black list" of such devices.



Our team constantly works for the best user experience with our products and to solve the problem with bad quality adapters, we developed reliable solution for our users - InCarDoc Auto Scanner!
This OBD2 Scan Tool was developed and tested by the InCarDoc`s professional engineers. It is recommended Bluetooth Adapter for iOS & Android devices and fully compatible with multiple car brands and modes.

For more information about InCarDoc Adapter – please, follow this link:

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Alex Hiatt posted this 02 March 2022

I have an adapter with the above mentioned Mac address and I leave it plugged into my 2007 acura Tl with a android Tesla style screen, and I have zero issues with the device. It has properly diagnosed my issues with my car. So what exactly are you saying about these adapters? Are you saying that they will do more damage than good?

Avi Luler posted this 13 January 2022

To add to the wall of shame:
An obviously suspect cheap bluetooth ELM237 2.1 type MAC 00:10:CC:4F:36:03. Checked on Opel Astra J of an uneducated friend. Caused the ECU to power off (?) putting the car into some sort of limp mode, ESP, power steering and check engine warnings popped up.
The funny thing is a single fault is indeed found in the app, it is ECU disconnect event. It cannot be cleared, since it disconnects
Luckily after a few minutes powered off it can be started and driven normally, but with the check engine light on.

shaik thoufik posted this 26 July 2021

Attention "bad" adapters!

We faced the problem, that some adapters (often the cheapest ones), can’t connect to the car's ECU.


The reason is using of "bad made" clones of ELM327 instead of original chipset and firmware from Elmelectronics. You could notice potentially problematic adapters by: very low price, by MAC address (one can see it while connecting and searching for the device, so the adapter’s name will be detected and its MAC address) .


If the MAC address of your adapter

  1. starts with the numbers 66:35:56: ...  or 88:35:56:...(for example, 66: 35: 56: 78: 90: AB)


  • or 00:00:00:00:00:01
  • or AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
  • or 00:00:00:11:11:11 (fresh example from 2018 garbage collection, marked as version 1.5)
  • or some other "strange looking" addresses

- be prepared that this adapter could fail to connect, support not all protocols, fail to read some data and what's more, they can cause problems with your car.


There are also some adapters that might be almost good while working with single ECU and short commands, but cold fail to get reliable results for cars with 2 and more ECUs and "long" commands like VIN or DTC readings. One of this could have followingg MACs:

00:1D:A5:68:98:8A or ​00:1D:A5:68:98:8C 

As well, there might be problems with other "no-name" Chinese adapters marked ELM327 v2.1.

Please follow the discussion below to get idea about the issues, ask questions and share your observations.


We ask to share with us the names, photos, links to these adapters to make a "black list" of such devices.



Our team constantly works for the best user experience with our products and to solve the problem with bad quality adapters, we developed reliable solution for our users - InCarDoc Auto Scanner!
This OBD2 Scan Tool was developed and tested by the InCarDoc`s professional engineers. It is recommended Bluetooth Adapter for iOS & Android devices and fully compatible with multiple car brands and modes.

For more information about InCarDoc Adapter – please, follow this link:

Duc H. Luu posted this 24 April 2021

Purchased a Nexpow OBD2 Scanner Bluetooth from Amazon. After a few minutes pairing the device to my phone, I was able to connect with incardoc app and Torque (lite) with no problems. The only limitations are the free version of the apps. My only recommendation is purchase the Pro/upgraded apps, not to play with advanced settings and associated PIDs in the app. Read the guide before going too deep.

سعيد شكوكو posted this 16 January 2021

I bought this adapter (ELM327 v.2.1) and just tested it on my Opel Astra H.

It works fine - I saw some dynamic parameters (RPM, Temp of Cooling Liquid)

The connection was good.

The seller of this product is

Maybe this version of the item is good. Unfortunately I can't say it's MAC address for now.

The smartphone is Alcatel Idol 2 mini S 6036Y


inCarDoc posted this 18 April 2020

Thank You admin for your help in this section i want just check this store is officiel for vgate or not Thank you alot 


Unfortunately it's hard to identify "real" Vgate from thousands of clones. Ref. page does not give direct mail or site contacts to validate the seller. You might try to find contacts and ask about brand owner company "HK Vgate Technology Co., Ltd" 


jawad home posted this 17 April 2020

Thank You admin for your help in this section i want just check this store is officiel for vgate or not Thank you alot 

inCarDoc posted this 26 March 2020

It would be much helpful if post here the exact quote of the answer. Usually answer suggest exact steps and request to send us the log after running the suggested steps.
We have no "other" app to sell you, the one you are using is THE ONLY.

Thank you for the understanding and exact following the recommendations. 

chikim posted this 26 March 2020

Reclamei no desenvolvedor do meu sofware que meu adaptador não estava mais funcionando no celular e a resposta foi qie posso estar usando um OBD falsificado. Meu adptador OBD funcionou muito bem, com esse software, e simplesmente esta todo confuso, do nada, então creio que isso é para me vender outro software, já que deve ter um ano da compra do anterior.

inCarDoc posted this 07 November 2019

Before throwing adapter to the trash, please check that you follow recommendation to set connection with adapter as suggested in an article:


Ulf Jonsson posted this 07 November 2019

I bought elm327 wifi obd2 adapter for 130 sek (12 dollars). Tried it on my volvo v70 my2010. Connected to iphone but no connection to ecu. Suddenly a lot of error messages were presented in combined instrument and engine stopped. Not possible to eject key and startbutton was not working. Luckely when removing the elm327 from obd outlet , it was possible to start the car again. Do not know the version of the elm327. The elm327 device was good food for the trashcan.

Takieddine Jouini posted this 19 October 2019

Attention "bad" adapters!

We faced the problem, that some adapters (often the cheapest ones), can’t connect to the car's ECU.


The reason is using of "bad made" clones of ELM327 instead of original chipset and firmware from Elmelectronics. You could notice potentially problematic adapters by: very low price, by MAC address (one can see it while connecting and searching for the device, so the adapter’s name will be detected and its MAC address) .


If the MAC address of your adapter

  1. starts with the numbers 66:35:56: ...  or 88:35:56:...(for example, 66: 35: 56: 78: 90: AB)


  • or 00:00:00:00:00:01
  • or AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
  • or 00:00:00:11:11:11 (fresh example from 2018 garbage collection, marked as version 1.5)
  • or some other "strange looking" addresses

- be prepared that this adapter could fail to connect, support not all protocols, fail to read some data and what's more, they can cause problems with your car.


There are also some adapters that might be almost good while working with single ECU and short commands, but cold fail to get reliable results for cars with 2 and more ECUs and "long" commands like VIN or DTC readings. One of this could have followingg MACs:

00:1D:A5:68:98:8A or ​00:1D:A5:68:98:8C 

As well, there might be problems with other "no-name" Chinese adapters marked ELM327 v2.1.

Please follow the discussion below to get idea about the issues, ask questions and share your observations.


We ask to share with us the names, photos, links to these adapters to make a "black list" of such devices.



Our team constantly works for the best user experience with our products and to solve the problem with bad quality adapters, we developed reliable solution for our users - InCarDoc Auto Scanner!
This OBD2 Scan Tool was developed and tested by the InCarDoc`s professional engineers. It is recommended Bluetooth Adapter for iOS & Android devices and fully compatible with multiple car brands and modes.

For more information about InCarDoc Adapter – please, follow this link:

inCarDoc posted this 06 September 2019

Please note, that app inCarDoc by default reads only parameters that exposed by your car according to OBD-II standard specification. Standard does not support the most of specific to EV or Hybrid cars parameters including the Battery voltage.
Those parameters does not covered with any standards and their reading possible only with apps or extending setting, specific for the appropriate car-model. 

You might need to search apps or extensions, that exactly declares reading of battery related parameters for Toyota Prius 2008.


maher habash posted this 06 September 2019

Hello I bought elm327 connect and work fine but only couldn't read my HV battery voltage for my car Prius 2008. where is the problem?

inCarDoc posted this 27 July 2019

We could say noting about issues withTorque app, as this site about inCarDoc app. If you have issues with connecting inCarDoc app please use in app option Menu-Info-Contact us to contact our support, in a mail please repeat the issue description as well as car’s model/year details.


Omar Elgendy posted this 27 July 2019

Hi there I bought elm327 v2.1 from banggood China .when tried to use it with torque on my android with several cars .there were an error message " no contact with ECU " is there a solution ? Thanks. Omar.

inCarDoc posted this 18 April 2019

The logs should be attached to "Contact us" mail automatically. To force extended logging you might also need turn on Debug logging (Settings-Logging-Debug logging) before car connect attempt.


inCarDoc posted this 17 April 2019

In app, Home screen, (right upper Conner) Menu-Info-Contact us


inCarDoc posted this 17 April 2019

To help you we might need to see your app settings and raw communication data. Please use in-app option to contact our support and send data as well as the issue description. Menu-Info-Contact us


inCarDoc posted this 02 March 2019

Absolutely agree... and we stated near the same, if teview the thread. Now doezens of Chinese factories sell different products with different characteristics and quality, but packed and labeled as Vgate. The same for other brands as well.

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