​ Takes lot time to define the protocol. Is it OK?

  • Last Post 21 April 2023
Administrator posted this 05 December 2014


Takes lot time to define the protocol. Is it OK?


After pairing the phone with an adapter, you started the engine and run the application InCarDoc.


In the InCarDoc – Configuration chose the paired adapter. Possible connection messages may appear - "attempt 1 mode 1", then "init protocol", then start choosing the protocols "init protocol A" ... "NO DATA", "initprotocol 9" ... "NO DATA" and so on. Moves to the protocol number seven (for example) and then nothing happens. Have to wait for a few minutes. Takes lot time to define the protocol. Is it OK?


Recommendations: to understand what is happening, it is desirable to get a log file. 

  • put a tick at the "Debug logging" (Menu- Configuration-Logging)
  • try to connect, and then send the log from the page Logging with a comment (duplicate the problem description) . 
Also, if you know the protocol, you can install it directly from the Configuration menu.


General recommendations:

  • Make sure that the power is supplied to the adapter (light)
  • Ensure that other programs (and / or another phone) do not use the connection to the adapter
  • Disable-enable Bluetooth and plug in / plug out the OBD-II adapter
If described above does not help (that more often happens with the Chinese phones) you need to test alternative " BT  modes " in the Configuration. For Chinese smartphones first of all check both BT modes: secure bypass, insecure bypass. While changing the mode, each time off/on the  Bluetooth and plug in / plug out the OBD-II adapter.


Also, send the log file when the adapter is connected.

inCarDoc posted this 21 April 2023

I followed all these recommendations and it still takes a long time to load.


Means you do send log file with the questions to our support? We should review your connection data to give any suggestions at your case. Thank you!