Content Tagged With:acceleration

The most common causes of car slow acceleration

Administrator posted this 13 July 2018

Many drivers face with the problem when a car doesn`t pick up a speed. This problem raises many questions so let`s go over the most common troubles and malfunctions of your car, which could be the reason of bad acceleration time.

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InCarDoc "Acceleration Test" widget

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

InCarDoc is available for iOS and Android devices and has many functions that can significantly improve the operation of the car. The widget "Acceleration Test" works in two modes: acceleration mode and travel mode. The task of the acceleration mode is to fix the time to achieve certain results of overclocking your car. The InCarDoc application allows users to save the "Acceleration Test" widget data that you can export to our portal and support forum. In the widget, you can find parameters and graphs describing the car acceleration parameters. 

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