Mobile Applications Translation Into English

This translation is available in the following mobile applications: v.6.3.3 (Android) and v.2.0.4 (iOS)
Registered users are welcome to suggest their translations. Click here to become a contributor and offer your translation!
Enable GPS recording
Enable the GPS coordinates recording
Enable logging
Unable to use this image
SD-card is not fully accessible.
Error editing widget data
This field must be filled
Failed to fetch picked out commands.
Fail to register car
Failed to delete combination.
Failed to delete history.
Gallery is not available
Sorry, Google services are not available. Try again later
Field contains invalid characters
Invalid number format
Log file does not exists. Turn on debug logging, make any action and try again.
Max value must be greater than min value
None of the added cars is related to these trouble codes
To use this feature, please, install Google Maps
"Error saving widget settings: "
Should not be less than
Should not be more than
The range is too small
Unable to update while connected
Unexpected error happened…
Application will be restart. You can help us sending the information about this error.
Learn more about inCarDoc mobile applications here