where is the map sensor - audi a4 2011

  • Last Post 04 November 2017
paascal posted this 03 November 2017

hello, i cant seem to be able to find this sensor yet torque app finds it and displays it.

anyone know why?À

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inCarDoc posted this 04 November 2017

Please note that app supports reading of all parameters described with OBD-II standard (including the "Intake manifold absolute pressure"), OBD-II PIDs 

Unfortunately, If appropriate parameter does not available, means that it does not exposed in your car/model with OBD-II protocol

Other apps could use extensions build and configured to read non-standard protocols and parameters for a specific make/model/year. For example AUDI as well as other makes of VW group could use VAG-COM protocol and/or some specific commands.

Unfortunately our app does not support reading of non-standard protocols "from the box", instead we could propose to drivers community create and share configurations for various custom protocols. 

Some basics of making own configurations are discussed in a post How to configure custom parameters reading?


paascal posted this 04 November 2017

where should i ask the question on your site?

inCarDoc posted this 04 November 2017

You already asking on site's forum and this is a right place so...