
  • Last Post 26 May 2019
itsjoasom posted this 30 June 2018

Why doesn't the app establish a protocol easily when working on diesel cars?

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inCarDoc posted this 30 June 2018

From app side there are no any connection difference between ignition or diesel cars. The only requirements for the car, that it must be OBD-II compliant. Please check the article "What cars are supported".


Kevin Jegels posted this 26 May 2019

My 2006 Ssangyong Kyron 2.0 diesel does not want to connect. Please help.

inCarDoc posted this 26 May 2019

Please note, that app works for OBD-II compliant cars. Looks that SsangYong might use different ECUs and might just have no OBD-II support on board for some models. Please use in-app feedback option to send us mail with raw connection data for review, in app please repeat the issue and car model/year.
