How can I have a wider map of my trips

  • Last Post 27 June 2020
  • Topic Is Solved
pifou posted this 19 June 2020


When I send a trip to your website, I can see the map of my trip


It is awesome, !

on course I ca zoom in or out, but If I want to get to get a bigger picture, what can I do ???

( I have tries Ctrl U in order to get the source code , I have copied it into a new html file, but it does not work ...)

thank you for your help !

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inCarDoc posted this 21 June 2020

Sorry. Unfortunately record details page has no option to change on-screen size of the elements, including the map element. The only suggestion to change scale of the whole screen... usually CTRL+ or other specific to your browser combination.


pifou posted this 21 June 2020

Ok I will try . Maybe it will be enough...

pifou posted this 27 June 2020

You are very wise and smart ! it works perfectly under Chrome at least !!


thank you