Auto-start w/o selection of vehicle

  • Last Post 01 April 2018
car posted this 30 March 2018

Hello OBD Car Doc User :-),

There is a possibility to connect the OBD connector automatically if app is started. But there are several obstacle for a complete start-up.

1.) App will not start automatically to connect to BT if app was called via Trigger-App. But starts to connect via BT if "OBD CAR Doc" was open manually.

2.) After connection to BT is established the selection of vehicle needs to be done. (This is annyoying if you have one car to select. => User input is needed. Better would be to have a menu item (e.g. select the previous vehicle from last session).

3.) Switching to the Navi-App will activate the overlay function of this app.=> Again user input is needed to select the overlay widget. It would be great if the previous widget is automatically active from the last sesson. 

This app is really great and love to use it. I hope there is a chance to improve the user friendly handling for automatic loading of widget (beside the editing mode).

Thank a lot for reading my ideas..


inCarDoc posted this 01 April 2018

Great thanks for the detailed overview!!!

We just now planning app tuning for more automatic work. You absolutely right, now that's more for quick-, but not the automatic- start. 

About the listed case:
1) just not checked the case. I'll try Could you say the app used as a trigger at your case? 

2) This should work... app pops car selection only if get unknown/change car "fingerprint" (PIDs list). Unless car remains unchanged all should work (in theory). When "fingerprint" changed, app might ask confirmation so.

3) Yes, sure!
