We invite everyone to join testing of the Alpha version of OBD InCarDoc PRO
Testing is available by this link
For the testing, we suggest new features that will be available in OBD InCarDoc PRO version 5.4.
Widget Economy
This widget allows you to track the different variations of car fuel consumption (fuel economy) in a convenient way of numbers and graph: instant consumption, average consumption (10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, etc.), consumption for the whole trip, etc. All these data can help you monitor fuel consumption in various driving conditions, on different roads, etc., as well as to optimize the flow rate, and thus the fuel costs.
This widget is default and can be found at Dynamic Parameters - Widgets - Economy. The widget can be customized by selecting the fuel category that you want to track.
We offer to test the widget performance and leave comments and questions in this thread.