Content Tagged With:problems

How to prepare your car for the winter or the most spread problems which driver face in the winter

Administrator posted this 30 October 2018

There is a strong difference between driving in the winter and in the summer, and that problems with the car are not so critical and don’t make driver’s life complicated, as the problems with it do in the winter. Anyway, you can avoid or reduce the negative impact of all adversities, which you might face during your driving in the low temperatures. Especially, this article will be for “new drivers”, as it presents a list of life-hacks and even the rules for the operation of the car in the winter.

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Typical problems with automatic transmission

Administrator posted this 18 October 2018

Unfortunately, there are a great number of mistakes in the functionality of the automatic transmission. All of them, often, require repair or replacement of any part, that means, they can not just eliminate or “wait out”. In contrast, before you go to the service station repair, it is better to know the problem and the cause. First, this knowledge will help in finding a mechanic, and secondly, you will be more difficult to deceive about the cost of repairs.

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