Content Tagged With:faults
What are the faults of the generator and is it difficult to determine them?
The generator plays a huge role in the car functionality well, often its diagnostics is time-consuming, and to identify problems in its operation is not an easy task. The generator is inextricably linked to the battery, so the breaking of one disrupts the work of the other. Therefore, without diagnostics in the service center, there is no way
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Typical problems with automatic transmission
Unfortunately, there are a great number of mistakes in the functionality of the automatic transmission. All of them, often, require repair or replacement of any part, that means, they can not just eliminate or “wait out”. In contrast, before you go to the service station repair, it is better to know the problem and the cause. First, this knowledge will help in finding a mechanic, and secondly, you will be more difficult to deceive about the cost of repairs.