Typical problems with automatic transmission

Administrator posted this 18 October 2018

Unfortunately, there are a great number of mistakes in the functionality of the automatic transmission. All of them, often, require repair or replacement of any part, that means, they can not just eliminate or “wait out”. In contrast, before you go to the service station repair, it is better to know the problem and the cause. First, this knowledge will help in finding a mechanic, and secondly, you will be more difficult to deceive about the cost of repairs.

In general, problems with automatic transmission can be divided into cases when the car does not go or is limited in gears, and problems associated with sounds or tremors.

The car runs, but...

  1. Snatching during the gear shift

  2. Noise and buzzing, which comes louder in dependence on the engine’s rpm.

  3. The car is trying hard to pull away from a stationary position

  4. The gear shifting arise at the inflated speeds

  5. The car’s wheels revolve while the ride on the rise and in last gear

  6. While you shift the gears, you feel hits or knocks

  7. During the gear changing, the car stalls, if you don't react immediately to turn on the gas

The car doesn’t run or do it only in specific conditions

  1. The car runs only on the third gear

  2. The car runs only in the reverse gear

  3. The car runs forward, but stalls in the reverse gear

  4. The car doesn’t move in the reverse gear, and moves forward only in the first and second gears.

If your car doesn’t run, why you are still here? You need to go, to the service center, as it is major problem, requires an immediate solution. However, the cause of such trouble lies in the automatic transmission.

The reason


The level of supplies, as oil and etc., is low


Collars, barrels, geer-wheels are into disrepair

2, 9

The wear-out of the pistons (or its cliff), filler rings and of the clutch assembly friction disc happened

5, 3, 9, 10, 11

Problems in the functionality of the valve body (connection channels or solenoid coil)

4, 5, 7, 9

Overextend of the pump oil components


Problems in the functionality of the clutch assembly friction disc

3, 6, 9, 11

The wear-out of the pistons and brake lining

6, 10

Broken adjustment of the throttle governor


Pollution of the solenoid coil valve cores

1, 6

Packing up of the pistons and valve pump

1, 9

Splineways wear out in the valve body


Error in electronics (need to diagnose errors)


The parking brake cylinder piston rod was broken down


All of the problems, which were mentioned are typical for the automatic gearbox, and a repair involves the replacement of worn parts. As a rule, poor-quality oil leads to this problem, as well as its lack orб vice versa, overabundance. The main rule, look after the oil level, this applies not only to the automatic transmission.