Silver and Gold Lead Plates Of The Battery
Modern technologies of car production are spectacular. More and more manufacturers produce cars equipped with a number of electronic devices. For example, cameras, alarm systems, navigation systems, all sorts of lightning, displays for passengers and for the driver, a lot of sensors and systems affecting the performance of cars. All of these devices are operated on battery power, and therefore the requirements for the battery increase. The main term for a modern battery is - high capacity and enough charge for a long time. The technologies were modified for the new generation of car battery production. As one of the ways to improve the quality of the device, adding impurities of other chemical elements to the lead plates of the battery was a perfect decision.
Lead plates of the battery are easily destroyed by frequent charging, unstable response to full charge/discharge, in addition, are affected by weather conditions (summer-winter). The service life of the simplest battery on a modern car will not be long at all.
Initially, to increase the wear resistance of the battery, manufacturers have introduced metalloid antimony. The result was achieved: the resistance of the plates to the deep discharges was increased. On the other hand, there was a more active process of electrolysis during battery charging, from which the risk of battery explosion increased. Consequently, battery maintenance required a lot of attention.
The next modification was to add the calcium. This alkaline earth metal minimized the process of boiling of the electrolyte, however, such a mixture was found to be unstable to deep discharges.
It was expected that the hybrid admixture of calcium and antimony to the battery lead plates was a compromise solution. The principle was to alternate lead plates with calcium and antimony. However, the batteries require maintenance, but they are still can be found in the automotive market.
When buying a battery, you can read on the body marks as “Silver”, “Silver PLUSTechnology” or “Gold”. Manufacturers mixed lead with calcium and began to add silver in the calculation of 0.3% of the total weight of the plates. Naturally, the new technology has forced the price tag to shot up. On the other hand, a huge number of problems have been eliminated.
Practically, CA/AG (i.e. silver-calcium technology):
- Improved wear resistance
- Increased resistance to deep discharges
- Virtually maintenance-free
- Minimized time for charge
Despite all the advantages, there are significant disadvantages:
- Price
- Complexity of production and work with silver
Answering the question whether the producers really add gold, the answer will be NO. “Gold” is nothing more than a mark indicating the high quality of the battery, in fact, it means a “Premium Class”. To understand whether there is gold supplement for a fact, you need to study the official information from the manufacturer. In addition, the battery with the addition of gold at least 0.3% of the total weight of the plates, would make the price tag soar to the skies.
Carbon batteries are a relatively new milestone in this environment. Carbon Boost is another mark on the body of accumulator. The application of carbon aids on the negative plates allowed to increase the charge rate up to almost 2 times faster. According to these studies, at 3000 cycles of battery use, capacitive losses will be 50%. Consequently, the service life of such batteries can exceed the mark of 10 years. Ideal for highly equipped vehicles with powerful engines and demanding electrical requirements. However, they are worse hold capacity at the high current output, and therefore are not universal.