Protect yourself in a hailstorm – few driving tips

Administrator posted this 13 July 2018

  • Stay in the car

Hail can damage not only a car, but it can also harm a driver. Therefore, you would better stay in your vehicle until it is safe to exit.

  • Stop your vehicle ASAP

Visibility is diminished when driving in a hailstorm. In addition, hail may accumulate on the roads, making them slippery even on a hot day. It is very dangerous - pull off the road immediately. If you are on a highway, find an overpass and stop underneath it. Turn on headlamps and emergency flashers to warn other drivers. Avoid low-lying places where water can accumulate.

  • Approach the hailstorm from the front

The car windshield glass is reinforced and stronger than your side and back windows.

Hailstorms are typically brief, lasting anywhere a few minutes. However, even during that short duration, damage can be severe. So care about yourself and passengers.

Don`t forget to run a complex car diagnostics after hailstorm with InCarDoc application and be safe.