Английский перевод мобильных приложений

Эта версия перевода доступна в следующих версиях мобильных приложений: v.6.3.3 (Android), v.2.0.4 (iOS)
Зарегистрированные пользователи могут предлагать свои переводы. Нажмите здесь чтобы принять участие и предложить свой перевод!
WiFi is not enabled
Bluetooth is not enabled
Discoverable device
not enough information
Combination will not be saved!
Do you really want to exit without saving?
Combination can not be edited.
Do you really want to exit without saving?
Perform action
All files of the debug log will be deleted.
Do you really want to clear debug log?
Do you really want to delete
Are you sure you want to delete all history files?
Confirm delete
Are you sure you want to delete combination? All saved data, including history, will be lost.
Are you sure you want to delete selected history files?
Do you want to delete record? Record file will be deleted.
Do you want to delete reminder? Reminder will be deleted.
No one command was selected
Changes were not saved
Current combination was not saved
Please, wait while codes are being cleared.
Please, wait while combinations are being loaded.
Please, wait while general info is being fetched.
Please, wait.
Узнайте больше о мобильных приложениях inCarDoc тут