Английский перевод мобильных приложений

Эта версия перевода доступна в следующих версиях мобильных приложений: v.6.3.3 (Android), v.2.0.4 (iOS)
Зарегистрированные пользователи могут предлагать свои переводы. Нажмите здесь чтобы принять участие и предложить свой перевод!
Failed to determinate protocol
Possible causes:
1. The engine is not running
2. Signal line not working
3. (Partially) defective adapter
4. OBD-II not support by the car
Use specific init string
separator ";"
Include default widgets
Layout Editor
LED Indicator
Loading freeze frame parameters
Ignore localized resources
Location (GPS speed, altitude, nearby places, etc)
OBD Car doctor requires access to your location!
By letting OBD Car doctor to use location, you get the following:
• To control you speed using GPS data
• Journal data about your routes and combine it with sensors data
To enable permission for location do the following steps:
• Click OK or back button
• Click positive button on dialog which asking you to enable location permission
• Or later go to the Android's Apps setting, open "OBD Car Doctor" App info page, open Permissions section and turn On required permissions
Узнайте больше о мобильных приложениях inCarDoc тут