Attention "bad" adapters!
We faced the problem, that some adapters (often the cheapest ones), can’t connect to the car's ECU.
The reason is using of "bad made" clones of ELM327 instead of original chipset and firmware from Elmelectronics. You could notice potentially problematic adapters by: very low price, by MAC address (one can see it while connecting and searching for the device, so the adapter’s name will be detected and its MAC address) .
If the MAC address of your adapter
- starts with the numbers 66:35:56: ... or 88:35:56:...(for example, 66: 35: 56: 78: 90: AB)
- or 00:00:00:00:00:01
- or AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
- or 00:00:00:11:11:11 (fresh example from 2018 garbage collection, marked as version 1.5)
- or some other "strange looking" addresses
- be prepared that this adapter could fail to connect, support not all protocols, fail to read some data and what's more, they can cause problems with your car.
There are also some adapters that might be almost good while working with single ECU and short commands, but cold fail to get reliable results for cars with 2 and more ECUs and "long" commands like VIN or DTC readings. One of this could have followingg MACs:
00:1D:A5:68:98:8A or 00:1D:A5:68:98:8C
As well, there might be problems with other "no-name" Chinese adapters marked ELM327 v2.1.
Please follow the discussion below to get idea about the issues, ask questions and share your observations.
We ask to share with us the names, photos, links to these adapters to make a "black list" of such devices.
Our team constantly works for the best user experience with our products and to solve the problem with bad quality adapters, we developed reliable solution for our users - InCarDoc Auto Scanner!
This OBD2 Scan Tool was developed and tested by the InCarDoc`s professional engineers. It is recommended Bluetooth Adapter for iOS & Android devices and fully compatible with multiple car brands and modes.
For more information about InCarDoc Adapter – please, follow this link: