Mobile Applications Translation Into Португальский

This translation is available in the following mobile applications: v.6.3.3 (Android) and v.2.0.4 (iOS)
Registered users are welcome to suggest their translations. Click here to become a contributor and offer your translation!
Relative accelerator pedal position (RAPP)
Hybrid battery pack remaining life (HBPRL)
Engine oil temperature (EOT)
Fuel injection timing (FIT)
Engine fuel rate (EFR)
Emission requirements (ER)
PIDs supported [61 - 80]
Driver's demand engine - percent torque (DDE)
Actual engine - percent torque (AE)
Engine reference torque (ERT)
Engine percent torque data (EPTD)
Auxiliary input / output supported (AIOS)
Mass air flow sensor (MAF)
Engine coolant temperature (ECT2)
Intake air temperature sensor (IAT)
Commanded EGR and EGR Error (CEGR&EGRE)
Commanded Diesel intake air flow control (CDIAF)
Exhaust gas recirculation temperature (EGRT)
Commanded throttle actuator control (CTAC)
Fuel pressure control system (FPCS)
Injection pressure control system (IPCS)
Turbocharger compressor inlet pressure (TCIP)
Boost pressure control (BPC)
Variable Geometry turbo (VGT) control
Wastegate control (WC)
Exhaust pressure (EP)
Turbocharger RPM (TRPM)
Turbocharger temperature (TT)
Turbocharger temperature (TT2)
Charge air cooler temperature (CACT)
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