Find Service - new InCarDoc functionality

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

Our development team has implemented one more functionality for users - "Find a service". Here you can enter your location by the search and see the possible options offered: Car Repair, Car Rental, Gas Stations, Parking and Car Washes - depending on your choice.

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InCarDoc "Economizer" widget

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

In PRO version of application a new Economizer widget for presentation and recording fuel economy data. Overlay mode to represent data over any application screens. Reads real-time and stored diagnostics parameters from ECU of OBD-II compliant cars.

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Personal control at the service station

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

You can find a maintenance station depending on the preferences or location. In addition, every user will be pleasantly surprised with one more useful feature – «Journal». It gives an ability to control every trip to the service station. Here you can see general data about location, date and time. All of your data are saved so you can always check or update the records.

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Trouble codes resetting

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

Before you start working on cleaning DTC (diagnostic trouble codes), or the "Check Engine" indicator. First of all, you need to connect your smartphone (on which InCarDoc is installed) to the car using the OBD-II adapt. The application can read and clean trouble codes (turn off Check Engine, MIL).

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InCarDoc "Acceleration Test" widget

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

InCarDoc is available for iOS and Android devices and has many functions that can significantly improve the operation of the car. The widget "Acceleration Test" works in two modes: acceleration mode and travel mode. The task of the acceleration mode is to fix the time to achieve certain results of overclocking your car. The InCarDoc application allows users to save the "Acceleration Test" widget data that you can export to our portal and support forum. In the widget, you can find parameters and graphs describing the car acceleration parameters. 

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Using InCarDoc on Android and iOS

Administrator posted this 24 January 2018

InCarDoc is a multifunctional application that allows monitoring the car's condition. You are guaranteed easy installation in the Google Play version of InCarDoc Android or the App Store - InCarDoc iOS. You are guaranteed easy installation in the Google Play version of InCarDoc Android or the App Store - InCarDoc iOS.

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Importance of computer car diagnostics testing

Administrator posted this 18 October 2017

The modern auto industry has regularly surprised with new exciting possibilities, features, better safety characteristics and other attractive innovations. Accordingly, «smart» cars need more complicated diagnostic and maintenance. That`s why precisely car computer diagnostics are recommended for comprehensive testing.

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Importance of filling information into your account

Administrator posted this 30 August 2017

Users need to fill in the form when registration with the standard info. They can add such parameters as volume unit, currency, country and car model. We recommend filling in the form carefully.


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How to reduce fuel consumption and save money on maintenance with InCarDoc

Administrator posted this 30 August 2017

InCarDoc – is one of the most successful products in its segment. Millions of users around the world have already loved and recognized this app. A wide range of features simplifies operation of the vehicle, making it more intuitive and easy even for an inexperienced driver.

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